Did you take part in the “Great California Shakeout?”

Are you familiar with International ShakeOut Day? It is where you have a one-minute earthquake drill to prepare for proper emergency protocols during an earthquake and it takes place the third Thursday every October. This year the International ShakeOut Day was October 20th, people can participate at work, school, or home. For more information on […]

Is the BIG one going to hit soon?

Experts predict the West Coast should be prepared for the next big earthquake to hit very soon, as early as tomorrow! Are you ready? According to the USA Today, “Scientists say a massive quake could strike the San Francisco Bay Area at any moment. And when it does, the city can expect to be slammed […]

What does it mean for Californians if a big earthquake hit during the covid-19 shelter in place order?

It is a common theme across the globe. The coronavirus is changing our day-to-day lives. The impact of the pandemic affects different industries in different ways. Earthquake experts are considering the potential for the big one during the Covid-19 outbreak and shelter-in-place order. What does this mean for Californians or other earthquake-prone regions? Well, for […]

Earthquake Preparedness Knowledge

Preparing for an earthquake is vital for regions that have a history of seismic activity. A seismic retrofit can ensure the safest environment possible, especially for buildings that were built prior to 1998. Here are important points to raise your awareness on earthquake preparedness. Why Seismic Retrofitting Matters The main purpose of seismic retrofitting is […]

What to Expect During Your Structural Inspection

Structural inspections are key safety measures, both to fix damage after an earthquake, and to prevent possible damage from future seismic activity. However, many property owners don’t know what to expect from the initial inspection. When do you need a structural inspection, and how can you prepare for the visit? There are three primary reasons […]

4 Steps For Hiring Earthquake Retrofitting Contractors

Earthquake retrofitting contractors strive to keep your building safe and secure during seismic events. If you own a commercial building, such as a hotel, a restaurant, or an office building, picking the right contractor for your seismic retrofit is a very important decision — but it can be difficult to know where to start. Here […]

Is Earthquake Insurance Really Worth It?

Earthquakes are one of the most common natural occurrences — and yet most standard property insurance doesn’t cover it. This leads business owners to purchase separate earthquake insurance, especially in areas with significant seismic activity. While earthquakes are more prevalent in California, don’t be fooled into thinking they don’t happen in other parts of the country.   […]

Protecting Your Building From a Catastrophic Earthquake

Earthquakes happen when tectonic plates shift. This shifting results in seismic waves which can violently shake buildings from side to side and vertically with enormous force. If the building is not strong enough, it may end up having severe damage and in some cases collapsing when a catastrophic earthquake strikes. Many commercial structures remain at risk […]