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Earthquake Safety: How To Survive an Earthquake

The physical and economic damage caused by earthquakes can be devastating. However, the most dangerous aspect of an earthquake is its risk to your life and safety. Fortunately, there are numerous measures that you can take in either your residential or commercial property in order to protect your safety and others’ during an earthquake.

Here’s a brief guide to staying safe during an earthquake:

Before An Earthquake

Unlike hurricanes and other weather-related natural disasters, earthquakes strike suddenly, usually without any warning whatsoever. That’s why taking actions ahead of time is essential. If you wait until an earthquake actually strikes, it’s too late.

If You Have a Business:

  • Make sure ALL of your employees learn about earthquake safety.
  • Make sure you have a plan of execution; what to do, where to go, etc.
  • Make sure you have things like first aid kits, backup water, and food rations.
  • Stock up on batteries, a battery radio, and flashlights.

If You Have a Commercial Property:

Start looking into seismic retrofitting as a primary measure for earthquake safety. Seismic retrofitting takes pre-existing buildings and uses earthquake safety techniques and materials to make the building safer. Retrofitting a building is usually a minimally invasive process. You may not even need to make any concessions with the tenant and the retrofit can be finished quite quickly, without you having to lose money or business.

During the Earthquake

An earthquake can be a pretty scary thing. However, keeping a cool head and being aware of the major dangers around you can help you stay safe.

  • If you are inside, stay inside. Move under a strong desk, or an interior wall, and stay there until it’s over.
  • If you are outside, move to an open area outside that does not have overhanging objects like light posts, trees or telephone poles.
  • If you are driving, slow down, pull your car to the side of the road, and wait. Do not park under bridges, overpasses, tunnels, power lines, trees, etc. Stay in your car!

After an Earthquake

  • Check for injuries and make sure everyone is okay.
  • Check for damage. Be alert to broken windows, unstable ceilings, and water and utility lines.
  • If you smell gas, go outside.
  • If the power is out, unplug major appliances.

If you have a business or commercial property that is damaged, take notes on the damage. If your building has sustained significant earthquake damage, it’s essential that you evacuate and give it a wide berth until you’ve had it professionally inspected for safety. Call emergency services and let them know what’s going on.

If you need a seismic retrofitter or you need more information about how the process works and the benefits of a retrofit, contact Saunders Seismic for more information.

Posted Under: Earthquake Preparedness & Safety