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Guide to Accurate Seismic Project Budgeting for Seismic Retrofits

Creating an accurate budget for a commercial or industrial seismic retrofit project requires detailed information and careful planning. Budgets serve as essential guides, but many variables can impact costs from the initial concept to final plans and tenant scheduling. Providing comprehensive project details upfront is critical for the most reliable budget estimates. The more information we have, the closer your budget will align with actual costs, ensuring a smoother project process and fewer surprises.

Essential Information for an Accurate Budget

Please provide the following information to help us create the most accurate budget for your seismic retrofit project.

  1. Engineer report or due diligence report
  2. Leasing plan with dimensions (see end to see sample)
  3. Full contact information
  4. SEL or SUL below 20%? Life safety only?
  5. Schedule? Accelerated?
  6. What is the status of the ADA? Does the city enforce the code required 20% to 100%?
  7. Lead / Asbestos testing completed? (attach report)
  8. Is there an existing soil report, or is a new one needed?

Buyer/Owner Questions:

  1. Budget needed by?
  2. Occupied? Night work? Weekend work?
  3. Building square footage (total)? Office area sq. ft.?
  4. Asbestos / Lead testing? Provide report
  5. Roof membrane- When is the roof scheduled for a re-roof?
  6. MEP (Mechanical, Electric, Plumbing, other lines) by others (unless listed)
  7. Architectural work by others (unless listed)
  8. Who is moving into the building? A public-use building requires a lot more work. It can be a restaurant, government offices, church, or basically any place where the “public” is present.

Engineer Questions:

  1. What type of building is it? Tilt-up, non-ductile, red brick, wood framed, panelized, panelized with TSGs, panelized with trusses, metal roof, conventionally framed?
  2. Is roof nailing a requirement? Will the building be reroofed with a tear-off or overlay?
  3. Accelerations-Ground Motion: Is the building located in an area with higher than normal accelerations or an AP zone? Greater than 0.50g [Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone – This means a known fault and may mean the building is built over or near (within 1/4 mile of a fault). AP zones were mapped and continue to be mapped since 1985].
  4. Please list all items that are incorporated into the proposed design
    1. Roof-to-wall connections
    2. Continuity ties
    3. Re-entrant corners
    4. Drag lines
    5. Roof nailing or plywood overlay
    6. Concrete footings
    7. Micropiles/Helical anchors
    8. Steel frames
    9. Gunite
    10. FRP
    11. Interior shear walls. Anchors both sides?
  5. Condensation
    1. Vent remove foil
    2. 2×4 ledgering
    3. Are Purlin hangers and GLB hinge connections damaged?
  6. Special detailing or other considerations

Budget Information Needed:

  1. Property address
  2. Pictures of the affected area
  3. Existing structural plans (S- pages)
  4. Property assessment (seismic if possible) report
  5. Floor plan of building (Leasing plan)
  6. Pictures of the inside of the building (roof, ceiling)
  7. Amount of office space
  8. Type of building: Concrete Tilt-up, URM, Red Brick, Hollow Clay Tile, etc.
  9. Use of building: Warehouse, Office, Retail, Government

Typical Concrete Tilt-up Seismic Retrofit and/or Condensation Needed:

Sample- tenant plan with office space and warehouse rack plan

Sample tenant plan

Sample 2 – not as good but acceptable

Non-Ductile Concrete

Usually supplied with a report and some modeling by the engineer

Non-ductile concrete

Apartment Budget

The engineer provides, at the very least, a concept elevation with notes or a floor plan.

Sample apartment elevation with notes

Sample floorplan

If possible, supply the following:

  1. Existing structural plans (S- pages)
  2. Property assessment (seismic if possible) report
  3. Floor plan of building (Leasing plan)
  4. Pictures of the inside of the building (roof, ceiling)
  5. Amount of office space
  6. Type of building
  7. Vacant/Occupied? Will it be vacant?
  8. How will the work be scheduled? Regular hours, Nights, Weekends, Off-Hours or a Combination

Tuck Under Parking Projects:

  1. Property address
  2. Pictures
  3. How many parking spaces are there?
  4. Are they in line on a level surface (not sloped)?
  5. Are new columns okay next to existing ones? Do they need to go behind existing ones?  Do the existing ones need to be removed and replaced?
  6. Collectors: Can they be below existing framing, or are there already existing beams that will work?
  7. Are there any fire ratings/separations to worry about?

When asked to provide a budget, we must consider many items.

What is the Budget Being Used For?

Is it for preliminary pricing, a loan, or a conceptual budget for future planning? Does the client want the budget conservative (high), as close as possible, or low? If it is for a loan, you probably want it “conservative.” “As close as possible or low” could put the budget too unrealistic compared to the actual bid.

Get a Detailed and Accurate Budget with Saunders Seismic

The more information and time we have, the more accurate the budget. As we have spent valuable resources, including time and manpower, preparing a budget, we only ask that we be given a chance to bid on the project when the plans are approved.

With the information provided, your project budget will be as precise as possible with Saunders Seismic. Our experienced team considers every detail to ensure accuracy.

As always, we are happy to help and/or answer any questions. Contact Saunders Seismic today.

Posted Under: Building Design & Budgets