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Why You Need Structural Repair Specialists

Authorities are concerned that another big earthquake may hit the west coast in the near future. It has been determined that there are currently over 300 fault lines in Southern California.  Should an earthquake hit the San Andreas fault by the Salton Sea, the quake “could cause more than, 800 deaths and damage or destroy upwards of 300,000 structures.”

As signs point to a serious earthquake, more organizations are seeking structural repair/seismic specialists to retrofit their buildings to meet or exceed safety regulations and make them more resistant to structural damage.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, and several other California cities recently enacted safety regulations for older buildings  in order to better withstand the ravages of a strong earthquake. This means structures that do not meet the Ordinances must seek structural repair specialists to retrofit their buildings so they meet the new parameters.

Earthquake Preparedness

Those on the west coast understand the need to have building structures that can withstand earthquakes of every magnitude.

“Soft story” buildings are the types of buildings that are the most at risk. These include buildings with an open first floor. Because of the “openness” of these structures, they lack strong reinforcements to support the upper floors of the building, so run the risk of “crumbling” should an earthquake hit. Examples include:

  • Multi-use buildings such as those that have retail, glass structures on the lower level and other businesses or living quarters above.
  • Buildings that have subterranean parking.

Soft story buildings need to be retrofitted to strengthen the soft story condition to save property and lives.

Experts at Saunders Seismic

When it comes to earthquake preparedness, it’s critical to choose a structural repair specialist who understands the unique nuances this type of construction demands.

Saunders Seismic specializes in seismic solutions saving their clients time and money. They have been in business since 1979 and have completed work on over 1,600 buildings.

Building owners can expect the best from Saunders Seismic, they will access your structure and provide a bid that is accurate and includes cost breakdowns outlining where money is being spent. They keep you informed of progress and do their best to impact the business and employees as little as possible.

For more information, contact Saunders Seismic today.


Posted Under: Seismic Contractors & Services