Industrial Structural Repairs Increase The Longevity Of Company Structures

There are many factors that can cause such structures to become corroded, structurally weakened, and in need of repairs. In addition, the industrial environment of various structures often makes them require frequent care. Industrial structural repairs can be carried out on walls, roofs, support beams, and roof diaphrams. These repairs ensure the structural integrity and longevity […]

An Apartment Soft Story Retrofit Can Secure Your Structure Against Collapse

Many of the older apartment complexes built in the earthquake prone areas of the West Coast were designed as soft story structures.  The open spaces along the bottom of the building make them particularly susceptible to damage and collapse when an earthquake strikes. Soft story apartment complexes will remain vulnerable to such damage unless they can be retrofitted […]

Reduce your Earthquake Risk with a Seismic Upgrade

Even if a building is miles away from the epicenter of a severe earthquake it is possible for it to experience the effects of damaging tremors. The stresses from these vibrations can cause notable disturbance and structural damage as building owners in California, Oregon, and Washington can attest. Often structural repairs and Seismic retrofits are necessary […]

Why Consider a Seismic Retrofit for Your Commercial Building?

Buildings located on the West coast of the United States are particularly susceptible to earthquake damage. In fact, the U.S.. Geological Survey records over 20,000 earthquakes – most of them quite small – every year along the San Andreas fault. Although most do only minor damage, it is almost a certainty that a larger magnitude […]

Why You Need Structural Repair Specialists

Authorities are concerned that another big earthquake may hit the west coast in the near future. It has been determined that there are currently over 300 fault lines in Southern California.  Should an earthquake hit the San Andreas fault by the Salton Sea, the quake “could cause more than, 800 deaths and damage or destroy upwards […]