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Industrial Real Estate Insights from I.CON West 2021

The industrial sector of commercial real estate has been booming for a while now, and the forecast continues to be bright. While attending the industrial real estate conference I.CON West, hosted by NAIOP, we were able to catch the keynote speaker, Walt Rakowich.

Walt Rakowish is a leadership speaker, author, and former CEO of Prologis. His track record is nothing less than astounding and inspirational. The 3-H’s in which he acclaims contributed to his successes can apply to all facets of life, not just essential values for people in leadership roles: Humility, Honesty, and Heart!

Apply these three core values to anything, and you’ll see success. He recently released a book, “How to Lead with Transformative Influence in Today’s Climates of Change.”

Posted Under: News & Events