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New Findings on Major California Coast Fault Line

After reviewing the seismic risks specific to California last month, there are new findings regarding the fault along the LA/ OC coast known as the Palos Verdes fault zone. According to scientists at Harvard University, this fault was previously thought to be a segmented network of smaller faults. However, after a closer look, it was found to be a system of interconnected, closely spaced plana fractures stretching from Santa Monica Bay to the waters off Dana Point.

Scientists found “the fault could produce a quake of a magnitude comparable to one from the San Andreas fault. Earlier estimates said the fault zone could generate up to a magnitude 7.4 earthquake, but the new study shows it could produce a quake as strong as 7.8.”

Caltech seismologist Egill Hauksson said a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on the Palos Verdes fault would devastate Southern California. But Hauksson, one of the region’s most respected experts in this field, said it would also be unlikely to occur in our lifetime.

According to the article, Fault Along L.A., O.C. Coast Could Unleash Huge Earthquake on Scale of San Andreas, Study Shows, “Scientists have not fully explored the ramifications of a magnitude 7.8 quake on the Palos Verdes fault zone. But the USGS has studied the implications of a less powerful, magnitude 7.3 quake there, and it could still be destructive. Such a quake could kill more than 200 people and destroy more than 2,000 buildings. It could liquefy the artificial land beneath the nation’s largest port complex and cause extensive damage to infrastructure.”

Ensure Commercial Building Safety with Expert Seismic Retrofits

With seismic risk a significant concern in California, safeguarding your building is crucial. Saunders Seismic provides expert retrofitting services to help mitigate liability and ensure peace of mind.

Contact us to discuss inspections or budgeting for seismic retrofits in California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah.


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