Building Seismic Safety: The Seismic Retrofit Process

Despite advancements in building codes, older structures may still need to meet current seismic safety standards. Building owners, property managers, and investors must understand how an effective seismic retrofit process protects lives and commercial investments. Seismic retrofitting enhances a building’s safety and durability in earthquake-prone areas. Our comprehensive three-step process includes assessment, design, and implementation […]

Seismic Retrofits: A Smart Investment for Soft-Story Apartment Building Owners

Soft-story apartment buildings are characterized by open tuck-under parking or commercial space on the ground floor and residential units above. They are prevalent in many urban areas, especially in California which is a high seismic activity region and due to their structural vulnerabilities, they pose significant risks during earthquakes. One of the most significant concerns […]

What are 6-Major Benefits to performing seismic retrofits?

What are the top benefits seismic retrofitting your commercial building? 6-Major Benefits of Seismic Retrofits 1. Mitigate Risk & Liability: Seismic retrofits significantly mitigate risk and liability associated with earthquake damage. By proactively strengthening a property’s structural integrity, owners and stakeholders can minimize the potential for injuries, fatalities, and property damage during seismic events. This […]

Seismic Retrofits for Occupied Buildings!

Performing seismic retrofits on a building can be a daunting and intimidating project for commercial building owners and real estate professionals to take on and manage. And, then add to the mix the building is occupied with tenant(s) operating thriving businesses. It is important to perform annual building assessments to determine the structural integrity of […]

What are the main methods of seismic strengthening in soft-story buildings? (Multi-family Commercial Real Estate Sector)

A soft-story retrofit refers to a building that is a multi-story structure built with a first floor that is open in nature, much less rigid than the floors above. For example, multi-family apartment buildings with tuck-under parking or subterranean parking and retail centers with a large store front on the first floor are typical soft-story […]

What are the benefits of performing a seismic retrofit sooner than later?

Are seismic retrofits mandatory for commercial real estate assets? What if the properties are not located in a known earthquake region? Short answer is, no, seismic retrofits are not mandatory. However, the old saying pay now or pay later applies here! Many people have false assumption earthquakes only happen in California, although they are prevalent […]

Are you interested in buying or selling a building but wonder what a seismic retrofit would cost? Budgets for Seismic Retrofits!

Saunders Construction provides budgets for acquisitions! Budgets come with estimate ranges of low, median, and high with many factors that affect pricing. Information to submit for a budget may include, leasing plan/tenant leasing plan (this helps determine access to perform the work), existing structural plans (S-pages), property assessment or seismic report, interior building photos (roof), […]

Soft-Story Ordinances

A soft-story building is a multi-story structure built with a first floor that is open in nature, much less rigid (soft) than the floors above. There are many examples of buildings with soft-story conditions including multi-family apartment buildings with tuck-under parking or subterranean parking. Soft-story apartment buildings are prevalent in California known to be the […]

California Seismic Risk – Real Estate Assets & Earthquakes!

When people think of earthquakes, probably the first thing that comes to mind is “California!” Therefore, the threats and risks associated with earthquakes have been a longtime hazard to Californian’s yet, the risk is growing to neighboring states, such as Washington and Oregon. In fact, California alone holds two-thirds of the Nation’s entire earthquake risk. […]