Seismic Strengthening Methods for Soft-Story Buildings
A soft-story retrofit refers to a building that is a multi-story structure built with a first floor that is open in nature, much less rigid than the floors above. For example, multi-family apartment buildings with tuck-under parking or subterranean parking and retail centers with large storefronts on the first floor are typical soft-story buildings that need seismic retrofits.
A seismic retrofit modifies existing buildings and structures to improve their ability to withstand seismic activity, such as earthquakes. The retrofitting process may involve strengthening the foundation, walls, roof, and other structural components to make them more resistant to seismic forces.
Seismic retrofitting can involve a range of techniques, such as adding additional support beams or columns, reinforcing existing walls with steel or other materials, or adding dampers or shock absorbers to reduce the impact of seismic waves.
The main methods of seismic solutions for soft-story seismic retrofits include concrete column footing, moment frame installation, and shear wall reconstruction.
Below are the progress phases of each method:
Concrete Column Footing
Footing Prep Rebar Install Pour Back Finished Footing
Moment Frame Installation
Prep Install Finished Frame
Shear Wall Reconstruction
Plywood Lath Stucco Finished
An estimated 13,500 soft-story buildings in Los Angeles alone need seismic retrofits. This includes buildings constructed before 1980 with ground floor parking or commercial space with living units above. It is important to note that this number may be subject to change based on ongoing assessments and inspections. We have completed thousands of these types of retrofits with raving reviews from tenants and owners.
Does your commercial real estate portfolio consist of soft-story building assets? Be prepared and have annual building assessments to determine if your soft-story structure needs seismic upgrades. For more information regarding our services, please contact Saunders Seismic.
Saunders Seismic is a premier seismic retrofit and structural repair company servicing California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah.